Hortensia Saga releases new episodes on Thursdays for more details on the next anime episodes. You can read its full post: Hortensia Saga Episode 2 Release Date. The anime introduces the Hortensia Kingdom, and it is the time of an uprising. One of the neighboring Kingdom, which was its ally in battle, has now turned against the Hortensia Kingdom. The attack came as a surprise in the tripartite alliance as this was unknown to the king.

Hortensia Saga Episode 1: A Troubled Kingdom

The king was slain in the invasion, but the invading forces were sent back. The motives behind all this are yet to be investigated. Hortensia is said to possess a lot of natural resources. But to prevent other nations from invading it, the Kingdom entered a tripartite alliance with the two of its neighboring country. Since one of the countries has now violated their agreement, it might be because they want to cause chaos and benefit some of the resources only to themselves. This seems to be an anime based more on Knighthood. The invasion left many casualties, and the war is still ongoing. It appears that there will be war after war in this anime as the first betrayal by one of the neighboring kingdom has sparked a lot of hatred.

Alfred Inherits his Father’s Sword

On the other hand, Alfred, whose father has fallen in the invasion, was left with a memento from his father. He inherited the sword and now wishes to fulfill a promise he made to his father. He aims to be a knight and has now also assumed the lord’s position in his village. So now he will be heading squadrons in different battles across their lands. But with a lack of training, he is not yet as strong to successfully defend his nation. But at the moment is under the tutelage of his uncle Maurice who wished to train him into the knight that he wishes to be. Hist test comes sooner than expected as he is now going into the frontlines to fight. Leading his soldiers into another fight again, and this time their foe is a formidable one. By the time they made it to the battlefield, they had found that almost everyone they went to rescue was annihilated, with very few survivors. With Alfred on the frontlines, he rushed to rescue the survivors, but his success was short-lived. The troop commander from the Camelian Kingdom finished the survivors as they were about to move to safety. And this has sparked a fight between Alfred and Roy Bachelot, who was leading Camelian troops. This is where he realized his lack of fighting skills as he struggled to keep up despite outnumbering him. And that Roy was a long-range fighter with a bow. So Alfred had an advantage at close range fights.

The Camelian Troop Attacks

Even with such a huge handicap, Roy quickly dealt with Alfred and almost finished him. He only retreated when Maurice arrived to save Alfred at the very last moment. This encounter seemed to have a learning moment for Alfred. He is sure to invest more of his time in training, making sure that he meets opponents like Roy the next time. He will be able to keep his own ground and not wait for someone to rescue him.  This anime seems to be building ground slowly and wouldn’t get too intense fight scenes any time soon since it is mostly centered around knights and traditional fighting. Things might be a little slow on the development. But it has some fascinating magic use, but so far, we haven’t seen how it is invoked. Some knights seem to have the ability to transform into beasts using the same magic. And we also saw what appeared to be like a summoning circle, which brought forth beasts and dragons. With the knights set up to fight these monsters, only relying on their raw strengths and traditional methods, this might be something to look forward to. For now, lets us wait to see how the next episode will continue with things.

Anime Review   Hortensia Saga Episode 1 - 65Anime Review   Hortensia Saga Episode 1 - 62