The show revolves around a few contestants who leave the world behind only to get entangled at a wired home. They are asked to cut off communication with their closed ones and their cell phones are taken away till the time they get eliminated. The elimination round happens every week and one contestant is sent back home. They don’t even have the access to the Internet. The only option they have to entertain themselves is to communicate with other people. All their actions are recorded through a surveillance camera. One who makes it till the end wins the completion. The rules are changed every year to make the show even better and spice it up. Now that you know what the show is all about, let’s move to the next section to learn its episode schedule.

Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode Schedule

All-new episodes of the popular reality series, Big Brother Canada Season 9 will be released on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday every week on the same broadcasting network, Global TV. On Mondays, the episodes will be released at 9:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time) and they will most likely be about nomination ceremonies. On Wednesdays, the episodes will be dropped at 7:00 PM(Eastern Standard Time) and will focus on the competitions based on Power of Veto. And, On Thursdays, the episodes will be released at 8:00 PM( Eastern Standard Time) and will showcase Head of Household contests that are the most fun.

Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 1, release date March 3, 2021 Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 2, release date March 4, 2021 Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 3, release date March 8, 2021 Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 4, release date March 10, 2021 Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 5, release date March 11, 2021 Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 6, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 7, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 8, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 9, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 10, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 11, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 12, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 13, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 14, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 15, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 16, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 17, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 18, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 19, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 20, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 21, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 22, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 23, TBD Big Brother Canada Season 9 Episode 24, TBD

  Apart from it, these will also be about evictions. It might seem complicated or a bit complex at first glance. But, after following up the schedule for a week or two, you will surely get used to it. Thus, loosen up your schedule a bit to entertain yourselves with Big Brother Canada Season 9! The last season of Big Brother Canada featured a total of 11 episodes. The first episode was released on March 4, 2020, witnessing all the contestants trying their best to fit in the new house with no luxuries. And, the last episode that is, Episode 11 was released on April 1, 2020, marking the end of the Big Brother Canada Season 8.

Get Familiar With The Rules!

For the first time ever in the entire history of this show, the contestants have been divided into two groups. Each group will consist of seven members. They are named Team Destiny and Team Defender. Now you must be wondering who will be the captains of the two teams? Well, the fate of captains depends upon you. The people of Canada are asked to vote for their favorite contestant. And, the top two people with the most number of votes will be the representatives of the two teams. Moreover, they will not be eliminated in the first episode. So, what are you waiting for? Vote your favorite contestant now and gift them safety for at least a week. The second rule that has been laid out is called Instant Eviction. The first episode will follow two teams competing against each other in a competition. The winning team will decide the fate of the members of the losing team. They will collectively vote for a person and throw him out of the house. However, the captain of the losing team is safe for week 1. What if two people end up getting the same number of votes? In this case, the captain of the winning team will decide who he wants to compete with and who he wants to go back home! This sounds so much fun! Doesn’t it? So, don’t forget to make the most of all the episodes and miss out on the drama that the show has to offer! Also Read: 6 Feel-Good Reality Shows To Watch in 2021

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