Four Good Days was directed and produced by Rodrigo Garcia who got the inspiration from a 2016 Washington Post Article. This was based on Amanda Wendler’s life as a drug addict that was published as “How’s Amanda? A Story of Truth, Lies and an American Addiction”. Starring Glenn Close, and Mila Kunis, the film first premiered at the Sundance Film Festival on 25th January 2020. Later, in March 2021, the distribution rights in the US were acquired by Vertical Entertainment. After this, there was a limited release in the theaters starting 30th April 2021. Later, the same was released by Vertical Entertainment for video on demand on 21st May 2021.

What Happened In Four Good Days?

Four Good Days starts off with Margaret Wheeler aka Molly, coming back to her mom’s place one year after she last saw her. Molly was a 31-year-old drug addict who had come back to her home thinking of the times before she was an addict. Molly wanted to come clean and finally become sober but for this, she wanted help from her mom, Deb. Her situation has become so bad that she begs her mom to take her in all while covering her mouth with her hands. But Deb refuses to let her child in as according to her husband, Chris, trying to support Molly would unintentionally act as an enabler. Molly, who had made her mind up to start her recovery, remains persistent as she decides to sleep outside her mother’s home. The next day, Deb reluctantly agrees to help Molly but before she does so, she forcibly takes Molly’s hands off her mouth. We are able to see that her upper teeth have been quite replaced by her rotting gums. This shows us the severity of Molly’s addiction as she has been an addict for over 10 years. Moreover, she has lost custody of her children while failing to go sober 14 times. Deb takes Molly to the dentist to get false teeth to hide her rotting gums. During this, they learn of a new method for sobriety. She is offered an opioid antagonist to help her through this road but for beginning her medication. Molly must stay away from any drugs for four days. This was so that Molly doesn’t face any repercussions of the presence of opioid as well as drugs in her system

The Wait

Molly finally starts living with her mom again, as both of them start to rediscover their love for one another. On the first day, Deb reminds Molly of all the problems she had caused while being an addict. Molly regrets all of this yet Deb has a hint of suspicion towards her daughter as to what her true intentions might be. But secretly she was able to see a glimmer of hope for her daughter. On the second day, we see Molly finally interacting with her children as her ex Sean allows her to see them. There was a certain reluctance from having to see each other, even so, they are happy to have seen each other and make the most of the time. Later as Molly and Deb go grocery shopping, they meet Molly’s coach Miller. He asks Molly to come to speak to her class on the topic of drug addiction which Molly agrees to. When they get back home, Deb reveals how she was unhappy with Molly’s dad, Dale. She was only forced to marry him because she got pregnant with Molly’s elder sister, Ashley. Ashley had left the family to live her own life which Molly believes was because of her. Much to her surprise, Deb tells her that Ashley left the home due to the mental and emotional abuse sustained by Dale on her. The next day, Molly heads to give the speech to Miller’s class. During this, Molly blatantly releases her emotions as she makes use of the experience to finally vent what she went through. This causes Deb to believe that her daughter will finally recover from her decade of addiction.

What Happens in Four Good Days Ending?

Molly asks Deb to take her to Sammy, who is a drug addict friend of hers. During this, Deb has an encounter with Molly’s ex-boyfriend Eric. Between their conversation, he happens to reveal how Molly had been pregnant. Nothing left to hide, Molly confesses that it was true but she had given the baby for adoption. The very evening of her third day sober, Molly receives a call from the detox center. They tell her how there was some issue relating to Molly’s insurance because of which she cannot get the opioid antagonist shot until Monday. This would mean that Molly was to wait for an additional three days after the initial task of four days. Deb finds this call suspicious as it spurs an argument between the two. Molly, who was trying to fight her urges, leaves with Sean, saying that she would return to her before they leave for the detox center on Monday. The next few days are anxiety-filled for Deb who wants her daughter to give up the addiction. Nevertheless, her attempts to contact Molly or Sean fail as no one responds to her calls or texts. On Monday, Molly finally comes back home hurrying Deb to get ready to go to the detox center. But before they are about to leave, Molly asks Deb for her urine sample. Deb’s fears came true as Molly admits how she had consumed drugs on a variety of occasions throughout the weekend. Reluctantly, Deb gives her urine to Molly. In the Detox Center, Molly receives the opioid antagonist but soon after she comes out of the room, she collapses. She starts to go into acute withdrawals because of which she is rushed to the hospital. Also Read: How To Watch Four Good Days Online?

Molly’s Changes

Four Good Days Ending shows glimpses from four months in the future as we see that Molly is still living with Deb. She is onto a path to her recovery as she now has even begun to babysit her children. This is a huge accomplishment for herself. Moreover, the mother-daughter relationship has finally gotten better as we finally see proof of Deb trusting Molly. She has disabled the door sensors that were attached to keep a check on Molly from stealing anything. We even see Molly complete the puzzle that she once hated. All in all, on the surface, Molly looks to have finally become clean, but is that the truth? Also Read: When is Four Good Days Coming To Netflix?

Four Good Days Ending Explained

Four Good Days Ending shows us immense growth in Molly’s life in finally completing the puzzle. She had previously tried to do the puzzle back in her days when she went through withdrawals. So, seeing the puzzle reminded her of her previous life where she couldn’t give up on drugs. But now she having completed it acts as symbolism to her changed life. Even so, we are left to question if Molly was finally clean as we witness a moment of hesitation in the final moments of the film. Molly was to go to the detox center to receive the Opioid Antagonist shot every month. But this time, Molly reveals how she had postponed her appointment for the shot. This could mean that Molly had recently subjected herself to drugs and was willingly trying to avoid the repercussions like the last time. It is believed that while Molly has managed to bring a drastic change to her life, she still hasn’t been able to completely stay away from drugs. Also Read: Is The Movie Four Good Days Based On A True Story? A Story About The Last Hope, The Last Attempt

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