Turtle Neck is trying to get Shindo to the hospital, but the chaos is blocking her way. Muscular explains why he has been destroying everything to Izuku. Turtle Neck realizes that she didn’t thank the boy who saved Shindo. She doesn’t even know his name. The citizens arrive and help her to carry Shindo. They told Turtle Neck that they don’t want anyone to die here. At Dana police station, they are watching footage of the battle. They wonder if that kid is the one from the exam. But his appearance has changed.

My Hero Academia Chapter 309 Highlights

Later the cops arrived at the scene and told the two warriors to state their business. They are not sure who the villain is since Izuku is wearing a mask. Muscular is still wrapped with Izuku’s BlackWhip. The cops notice that the guy that has been restrained is Jail Breaker. Izuku handed Muscular to the cops and jumps away. The cops ask Izuku to wait since they want his statement. Izuku took his communication device and told All Might that he is heading back. Later, He met with All Might, asking him if he was hurt since he didn’t land perfectly on the ground. Izuku took off his mask and said he is fine. Izuku is glad that All Might had ordered the costume he wore before the border was shut down. He comments that the mid-gauntlet compression supports items. All Might comments that they are just test samples, but they can protect him but not in his 100 percent form. Izuku’s 100 percent form is too powerful; for the costume to handle.  Suddenly All Might receives a call from the Silver Age Tv. He replies that he is on his way, and they ask him if Midoriya is fine. All Mighty reveals that Izuku has just returned, and he is okay, but he is leaving again. Izuku flies away as All Might continues with his phone call. The guy Talking to All Might is Hawks. He told All Might to support Midoriya, but he is worried that he is putting him in a hard time.

Top Three Heroes

Later it has been revealed that the recovery team helped every injured patient in the hospital. Izuku was also one of the patients who was helped by the recovery team. The doctor told him about his injuries. He reveals that Izuku has been warned that his injuries might leave him immobilized. All Might realizes that is why Izuku’s legs was trembling earlier. But the doctor is glad that Izuku didn’t suffer the same injuries as before. In the past, it looked like explosions were containing Izuku’s body. The doctor noticed that Izuku had used his Quirk to wrap and reinforce his limbs from the inside to keep them from shattering. Izuku’s body has changed, and the injuries were not similar at all. Izuku realizes that he is at 45 percent, and the doctor told him that the deterioration hasn’t stopped, and Izuku must be careful. Izuku reveals that Tomura has the ability to locate him, and it won’t surprise him if he attacks now. But he doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. Izuku decided to stop Tomura and All For One before they get stronger. Izuku’s mom is worried that her son is still at the hospital, but he talks about taking the villains down. Izuku embraced his mother and told her that he has to go. But he will come home to her, and All Might comments that he is coming with Izuku. The other top three heroes decide to team up with Izuku and All Might to settle the scores with the League of Villains.

My Hero Academia Chapter 310 Release Date and Where to Read Online?

My Hero Academia Chapter 310 will release on Sunday, 25 April 2021. This Manga releases new chapters every Sunday. Find how Deku smashed muscular with Blachwhip on My Hero Academia Chapter 309 is released on Sunday. Those was the updates and highlights we manage to offer. You could read My Hero Academia for free officially on VIZ and Shueisha’s Manga plus.

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