So in today’s post, we will be looking at One Piece Chapter 981 release date, spoilers, and the recap of the latest chapters. The Onigashima raid continues, and it looks like some action has finally started. And as we have all expected it, Luffy finally blew his cover and things couldn’t get any worse.
One Piece 981 Spoilers Revealed
Spoilers for One Piece Chapter 981 are here –
Apoo survived Kidd’s attack, but suffered damage. Kidd is nitpicking Apoo for being Kaido’s underling. They fight. Killer says the range of Apoo’s attack is how far you can hear a sound. Number Hatcha appears. He laughs “Hachacha” Who’s Who prepares to go out with his men to find Yamato. Kin’emon’s party tries to pass by Black Maria’s residence because there’s no people, but they encounter Big Mom. Chopper is hiding in a tank. Big Mom makes eye contact with Chopper. Marco stops the Big Mom Pirates from climbing up the waterfall. Nekomamushi, Marco, and Izo appear at the end of the chapter.
Update: (June 4, 2020) – We have detailed One Piece 981 Spoilers.
One Piece Chapter 981 Release Date
One Piece Chapter 981 will be released on 7 June 2020. This Manga runs on a weekly schedule meaning that new chapters are released once every week and are 7 days apart One Piece Chapter 980 was released on 24 May 2020, so this makes Chapter 981 to be released by Sunday. Make sure to visit our site regularly as we will bring you more updates as soon as a new chapter is released. The latest One Piece Chapters are available online as soon as they are released on VIZ Media and Shueisha’s Manga plus official platforms. Raw scans for new chapters are released 2-3 days before their respective chapters are published. To support the Manga creators and publishers, we advise you to read the digital copies from their official websites and apps.
Previously on One Piece Chapter 980
Luffy and Zoro are fighting with the beast pirates fodder. Lola asks Gotti to marry her which makes Luffy start rampaging and Zoro tries and calm Luffy down, but he gets furious too when he discovers the oshiruko. Apoo sees Luffy and reports to Queen, she wants to eliminate one member of the Tobiroppo, so he says he will give that empty chair in Tobiroppo to the one that catches Luffy and Zoro. Zoro cuts a tower in half with a lot of Beast Pirates in it. There are a lot of new Smile users, like a gorilla, a giraffe, or a mantis. Apoo hits Luffy in the face with a sonic wave, then he cuts Zoro, and finally he sends an explosion to Luffy. Luffy and Zoro lose Kinemon’s costumes, Kid and Killer see all the chaos, Kid decides he will go for Apoo, Killer tries to stop him. Kid goes after Apoo, he wants to kill Apoo. Luffy did not get injured and Zoro gots the cut because he can not see or predict Apoo’s attack. Kidd attacks Apoo, Punk Gibson is the name of Kid’s attack that he used against Apoo. Apoo attacks with Tatakau Music: Scratch, Bon, Shaan, Doon. The one he uses against Luffy and Zoro.
It is reasonable to expect that since this is just the beginning of the raid, everything else should be easy. I mean if everyone is defeated right at the beginning of the raid then we have no idea what kind of story this will be. But we should keep in mind that as soon as Luffy’s situation is involved, there might be a reason why he was knocked out instantly. Otherwise he would have made his way straight to Kaido and their encounter at the early stages of the raid will just ruin things as we can not have the final fight begin yet. We should all consider that as far as Luffy’s advanced observation Haki is concerned, it only worked if he is focused and aware of his surroundings. And in his case he was enraged and pissed at the way the beast pirates where handling the food. If we all recall what was it that gave Luffy an opening in Katakuri’s seemingly invincible observation Haki prowess. Then we would understand why Luffy was also caught off-guard as well. We would remember that when Katakuri was enraged at Luffy for disturbing his lunchtime. He couldn’t accurately use his observation Haki and this gives Luffy an opening to turn around the fight. Aside from this, in the coming chapters, we might also see marines reaching Wano, and joining the fight.