Sparkshots has released the 2019 Float as its latest premiere. The movie has received an abundance of appreciation and love for its concept and storyline. The overall Sparkshots segment, its purpose, and work towards normalizing and including exceptional concepts are being highly acknowledged.
The Storyline Of The Newly Premiered SparkShort Film – Float
At the very beginning of the story, the dad portraying Bobby Alcid Rubio is seen playing outside with his son, portraying Alex. The son gets amazed at seeing a dandelion and starts floating in the air. This surprises and at the same scares his dad. On seeing other people, he gets concerned, grabs Alex, and brings him inside the house. This continues and Alex now 4 keeps floating around the house, drawing illegible scribblings and scrawlings all over the roof. The dad now makes assure to tie Alex with a leash whenever they get outside the house. This prevents Alex from floating. Furthermore, he stuffs rock in his backpack and avoids all the neighbors before reaching the playground. The precautions, although are of no certain help. Alex still continues floating, and his dad is still engaged in stopping him.
Once they reach the playground, the Dad discontinues walking and takes a look at other kids playing, but instantly realizes that Alex has escaped to the playground. He was floating and interacting with the other kids. Everyone present gets confused on seeing Alex float. Dad grabs his son swiftly and Alex starts crying in anger. To which the Dad fiercely questions Alex, as the only dialogue in the film, ‘Why can’t you just be normal?!’. Alex calms down, gets to the grounds, and gloomily stands with his hood on. The entire playground staring at them provides the dad his answer. He picks Alex up in his arms who has tears in his eyes. Then sits with him on the swing set, swinging back and forth happily. Alex opens his eyes when both of them start laughing, and gradually the Dad releases him in the air. Alex, now floating in the air seems content. The end scene involves both of them playing with each other in the playground with other people just staring at them with astonishment and petrified. A note for Alex from the director and father, Bobby at the end says,’ Thank you for making me a better dad. Dedicated with love and understanding to all families with children deemed different’ marks the end of the short film.
The Theme Behind The Story
The recent short film released- Float is a true and real-life based story. The story revolves around the relationship of a father and son. The child is diagnosed with a mental disorder, the autism spectrum. It is the life story of the beautiful relationship of the movie’s director and writer Bobby Rubio and his autistic son. In the short film, the little boy is observed to have flying powers. Float’s production team conveyed autism by portraying the ability to float. The reason behind this was to spread the message of how some children are different. Autism is connected with flying. The son’s ability to float is seen as weird. He is treated differently by others which is similar to how autistic or children with disabilities are treated and seen by the world. The way the animators were able to convey the beautiful message of how everyone is unique and must not be treated differently, is commendable. Every wave of emotion was perfectly sent out through this animated movie. It makes us believe that the feeling of acceptance is crucial. As at the end of the story, the scary and concerning looks from neighbors made the father make a choice to either be ashamed and hide him from the world or accept and love the different abilities in his son that make him unique. The movie is also different in terms of the introduction of a Filipino American character as a lead in the movie. Though, it involved personal reasons but was released in a society practicing Anti-Asian hate. Read: Avatar: The Last Airbender Animated Movie Announced