An update following this made it possible to fight over online servers. Pokémon Go started with around 150 species of Pokémon but has now reached 600 nearly. Niantic also holds many live events like Pokémon Go Fest, Pokémon Go Safari Zone, and Community Day. These events raised nearly $249M from tourism. Starting 2020, Pokémon Spotlight Hours began, which made a specific Pokémon more commonly spawn between 18:00 to 19:00. Team GO Rocket leaders are tough nuts to crack, even for high rankers. Sierra is not the toughest among the three, but she is surely a pain. Cliff and Arlo are the other leaders. Sierra now has a changed line-up, so your previous strategies won’t be of any use. With proper knowledge of her Pokémon, it will be easy to beat Sierra. Also read: Pokémon Go Cliff Counters In May 2021- How To Beat Him

How To Challenge Sierra Into A Match?

Niantic introduced Team Go Rocket NPCs in 2019. They invaded PokéStops and corrupted Pokémons, making them more aggressive. The Grunts can be battled for winning Mysterious Components. They also drop Shadow Pokémon, which can be purified and returned to their normal state. They have discolored PokéStops and turn black when approached. Players need to collect six such Mysterious Components to form a Rocket Radar. The player will need space in Item Bag for collecting Mysterious Components. The Rocket Radar can also be bought from the in-game shop using PokéCoins.

This radar helps to locate the Team Go Rocket leaders hideout. The Rocket Radar gets used up once the leader is defeated. The players will get a chance to capture the leader’s Shadow Pokémon from the first round. They will get a Strange Egg which will hatch a Dark or Poison-type after walking 12km. The player will also receive 1000 Stardust.

How to Beat Sierra: What Is The Current Line-up Of Sierra?

When playing to beat Sierra, you will have three rounds to face her. She will choose from a total of seven Shadow Pokémon in battles. Sierra’s first-round choice is Shadow Sneasel (Dark & Ice). She will choose from 3 in the second round. The options are Shadow Gliscor (Ground & Flying), Shadow Granbull (Dark & Fairy), and Shadow Ampharos (Electric). The third round will also have three Pokémon. The choices are Shadow Kingdra (Water & Dragon), Shadow Houndoom (Dark & Fire), and Shadow Drapion (Poison & Dark). After defeating her in the first round, players will get a chance to catch Sneasel. Players will get 5 Premier Balls to capture the Shadow Pokémon. More Premier Balls can be available according to player rankings. Also read: Genshin Impact: Everything About 1.7 Update

Strategies To Beat Sierra

Shadow Pokémon have their hearts corrupted and are always frustrated. They have weaker stats for this reason. Once we understand the weaknesses of these Shadow Pokémon, it will be easy to counter and beat them.

Counter to First Round

• Shadow Sneasel: Sneasel is weak to fighting, fairy, fire, steel, and rock types. The best ones to use against it are Lucario, Machamp, Breloom, and Blaziken.

Counter to Second Round

• Shadow Gliscor: Gliscor is mostly vulnerable to ice types, but we can use water types too. Players can use Mewtwo, Glaceon, Slowbro, Gyarados, and Mamoswine to beat it. • Shadow Ampharos: It is weak to only ground-type Pokémons. Landorus is the optimal choice here, but Garchomp, Tyranitar, Groudon, and Krookodile can be used for counter too. • Shadow Granbull: Granbull’s weaknesses are steel and poison types. Using Diagra, Metagross, Scizor, Roserade, and Genesect will be enough to beat it.

Counter to Third Round

• Shadow Drapion: Drapion is again only vulnerable to ground types. Player can use the same Pokémons used to beat Ampharos to counter Drapion. • Shadow Houndoom: Houndoom is weak against water, fighting, rock, and ground types. Kingler, Terrakion, Kyogre, Rampardos, and Conkeldurr will easily beat him. • Shadow Kingdra: Kingdra succumbs to fairy and dragon types. But if the Kingdra has dragon types moves, it can cause some problems. The best choices to counter and beat it are Palkia, Rayquaza, Gardevoir, Haxorus, and Dragonite. Also read: When Is The Steam Spring Cleaning Sale Going To Happen?

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