But it was in 2003 and as fate may happen he got a severe injury while in the ring. The doctor told him he won’t be able to continue his wrestling career anymore. Henceforth he had to retire from being one of the best Wrestlers in the World Wrestling Entertainment or WWE. But being injured did not stop his career. HE got his career to the field of acting. Being an actor he became a lot popular. He did the movies such as The Condemned which was released in 2007. He was also a major part of the movie named The Expendables which was released in the year 2010. With being a popular wrestler as well as a popular actor in the Hollywood industry. Steve Austin’s net worth is estimated to be somewhere around $30 million.

Early Life

 Born on the 18th of December 1964 was none other than but the very popular Steve Austin. He is popularly known by his two ring names that are Stone Cold and The Texas Rattlesnake. Though we all also know him by the name Steve Austin his full name is Steve James Anderson. He was born in the beautiful city of Victoria that is in the state named Texas. He has one of his nicknames by the name of the state of Texas. His biological father is James and his mother is Beverly Anderson But they got divorced when he was just a year old kid. Few years after the divorce his mother that is Beverly moved to the other part of the state which is Edna. She got married to Ken William who became the stepfather of Austin. Later when Austin grew up he adapter the last name Williams which was his Stepfather Ken’s last name. He officially changed his name to Steven James Williams Steven was not the only child of his parents he had four siblings. Three of them were his brothers namely Scott, Kevin, and Jeff. They had a younger sister and the only sister named Jennifer. From the very childhood, Steve was in Edna. He attended his high school in one of the popular schools of Edna named Edna High School. Not only was he a famous wrestler but he used to be a part of the football team in his junior college. He was one of the best players on his team. He even got a scholarship for football in his junior college which was Wharton County Junior College. Being a good footballer and having a good scholarship got him to one of the popular universities that are the University of North Texas. But for some reason or the other shortly he decided to discontinue his education and rather work as a dock of loading. Henceforth he dropped out of college and worked full time in the dock of loading which was in Houston in Texas. Promptly he developed a passion for wrestling. he started working for being what he wishes to be. He got himself enrolled in the sports school named Dallas Sportatorium. It was in 1989. He was trained by none other than very popular Chris Adams. Shortly he started his wrestling career

Wrestling Career

It was in 1989 when Austin made his debut in the wrestling industry. His first wrestling match was again the very famous wrestler Frogman LeBlanc. It was the World Class Championship Wrestling or WCCW. At that time his financial condition was not that great. He did not have his apartment and used to spent his days in his cars traveling around the United State. He also has a very low earning of somewhere around $20 from each fight. Steve Austin changed his name when he met a booker who was Dutch Mantell. He did so to avoid any confusion with a person named Dr. Death. By the time when joined the USWA that is the United States Wrestling Association, he gained some popularity. But though being an awesome wrestler in the association he left that in 1990. Promptly he returned to Dallas and he got into a clash with his trainer Chris Adams. After that, he again returned and continued his career in the wrestling field. He made his debut in the main field of wrestling in 1991. In his first match, he got his opponent as none other than very popular Bobby Eaton. The match ended in the favor of Austin and he defeated Eaton winning his first-ever championship which was the WWC World Television Championship. Shortly he joined a group of the very popular Paul E which was The Dangerous Alliance. But promptly it scattered within a few months. But then also Austin protected his position and his title as the winner of the WWC. But in a match against Ricky Steamboat, he lost. After a couple of years, he joined another group which was under the very popular wrestler named Brian Pillman. The group was named The Hollywood Blonds. They also held the winner position of the WWC Tag Team Championship for five months. Austin got a severe injury while in the ring. After he recovered from the injury he left the group during another championship that was the Clash of the Championship XXV. After that, he was declared the winner of the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship. But shortly he lost the title and the position of the winner when he was defeated by the very popular Jim Duggan. Promptly, for some reason or the other, he was fired from the WCW by the vice president of the same Eric Bischoff. The reason that was told to him was that he was not a remarkable wrestler as compared to others. Though that was a tough time for Austin it did not stop him from growing. In 1995 he got more opportunities to grow. He joined the ECW that is the Extreme Championship Wrestling in the same year. There not only did his career grew but he also developed his personality as the Stone Cold. He also learned the way to cut a promo. In an interview when asked whom would he like to give the credits for teaching him the promo cut. He took the name of the very famous person who is none other than Paul Heyman. He adopted different moves from different legendary wrestlers of all time such as he adopted the fishing move of Mikey Whipwreck. The move is also popularly known as the Whipper-Snapper. But when he adopted the move it got the name Stone Cold Stunner. But sooner than joining the ECW he left it as well. Later he joined the WWF or as now known as the WWE. HE made his debut in the WWE on the 8th of January in 1996. He had his first match on Raw. He also won the Million Dolar Championship Award.  He was later known as The Ringmaster. But within few years he had his head shaved. He even got a goatee beard. Later he also adopted the nickname with which he is still popular that is Stone Cold. He was also regarded as the King of the Ring after he gave a crushing defeat to the very strong and popular wrestler Jake who is also known by his ring name that is The Snake Roberts. The match with Jake was one of the most popular matches in Austin’s career. In between the fight, a popular phrase was heard that was ‘Austin 3:16’. It is said that with that match the Era of Attitude began. He got into a clash with the very popular Hart family. It lasted for a few years and became one of the largest clashes in his career. Everything was quite normal until when our very favorite Austin started taunting Bret Hart. He also challenged him for a match. In due course of time, Hart accepted the challenge. There was a series of matches between them. But the one which everyone remembers till now was held in Wrestlemania 13. But as games always favor one or the other. In the end, Hart brought up one of his popular moves were the Sharpshooter which made Austin bled dreadfully. But he never took any assistance to go up to his locker room. He walked on his feet up to his locker room. With that Austin lost the match to Hart. But that was not the end of the clash with the Hart family. A few years later he again got into a fight with Owen Hart. He defeated Owen Hart making his way to win two of the most famous championships are the WWF Tag Team Championship as well as the Intercontinental Championship.  But as fate may happen he was left with no other option than to give up both of the Championships due to some of his injuries. The clash with the Hart family was one of the longest that’s why people remember it well. But it was not the only clash in his whole career. He has many popular clashes in his career such as the clash with Vince McMahon, Triple H as well as The Rock. He never had any loss from any of the clashes, rather he won many championships and many titles as well.  His career gradually came to an end in 2003. He had a match from a clash. The match was against none other than nut very popular The Rock. It was organized at the very popular WrestleMania XIX. But as fate might happen he lost his last official match against The Rock. Shortly after that match, Eric Bischoff decided to fire him. But it was not later that he declared his retirement from a long wrestling career. While announcing his retirement in an interview he also said that he had forced his body much more than he should have. Even he did not follow what his doctor instructed him to do after having several injuries   Throughout his whole wrestling career, he took part in a total of 19 championships. Of which six of them were in the WWF that is World Wrestling Federation now known as WWE which is World Wrestling Entertainment. He was a part of two International Championships. Not only does this ends here, but he was also in the WWF Tag Team Championship four times. To end the list of his winnings and championships he was the winner of two WCW World Television Championships. Gradually he started transforming himself into a non-wrestler person which took him somewhere around a year or so. Even after his retirement, he appeared on the Wrestling channel that is Raw. He appeared with the role of Sheriff. But as said your passion won’t leave you easily. Even after retirement, he had been on the screens for some time before his final departure from WWE. He was again invited to attend a wrestling show in the January of 2018 which was the 25th anniversary of Raw. In that match, he performed his famous move that was the stone-cold stunner on his earlier clashes that is on Vince McMahon and Shane Mc Mahon. Read: Dwayne Johnson Net Worth, Career, Awards, and Earnings in 2021

Acting Career

Not only was his career limited to wrestling but after retirement, he even tried his hands in the acting field. Not much surprisingly he stood out even in the acting field same as he excelled in his wrestling career. His debut movie was of none other than but the popular director Peter Segal’s 2005 released named The Longest Yard. In that movie, he played the role of the character named Paul Crewe. His great acting skills and his popularity from his wrestling career made him earn many offers of different notable movies namely The Condemned which was released in 2007. He appeared in other notable movies namely The Expendables which was released in 2010, Grown Ups 2 which was a 2013 movie and the other one are Finders Keepers which was released in 2014. He appeared in a movie named Smosh: The Movie which was his latest appearance. In that movie, he portrayed his character. Not only was his career limited to movies but he also appeared in Television shows. His first Television show was the one named V.I.P.  Having a booming start to his television career got him many other shows namely Celebrity Deathmatch which was premiered in the year 1998. It lasted for quite a few years and had its end episode premiered in 2002. He also did other TV shows such as Nash Bridges which started in 1999 and ended in 2000, Dilbert which was a show in 2005. After few years and being on and off the screen he did another popular Television Show named Chunk which was premiered in 2010. Not only was he a good actor but was an awesome host as well. He hosted many popular television shows namely Tough Enough which was released in 2011. He also hosted another popular show named Redneck Island which was premiered in 2012. It lasted for four years or so and had its last episode premiered in 2016. One of his most recently hosted popular shows was named Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge which was premiered in 2014. His reality show gradually entered its fifth season in 2017. He also has some successful podcasts out them the most famous one is named Stone Cold Podcast. The podcast started in 2014.

Personal Life

The year 1990 was the year of love for Steve as he tied the knot with his love from high school named Kathryn Burrhus. It was on the special day of 24th November. Unlike their relationship, their marriage did not last long. It ended when Austin started dating another girl. She was none other than but the very popular Jeanie Clarke who is also popular by her nickname that is Lady Blossom. She was Chris Adam’s former girlfriend. He got married to her on the 18th of December 1992. Shortly they had two beautiful daughters namely Stephanie and Cassidy. They also had another daughter who was actually of Clarke and Chris. But later they decided to adopt her. But even after having such a beautiful family for some reason or the other, they got legally separated in 1999. In the following year, Austin decided on marrying the valet of wrestling named Debra Marshall. They got married on the 13th of September. But within a couple of years, the couple got legally separated as his wife that is Debra accused Austin of doing domestic violence on her. She even called the police officials on the 15th of June 2002. She told that Austin hit her on different parts and to be specific on the head, back as well as on her legs. With having an accusation of domestic violence, not only did he a got a year’s probation but he was also charged with a fine of $1,000. He also had to dedicate a total of 80 hours to community service. The following year they got divorced. Just after that, he was also accused by his other girlfriend regarding the same issue of domestic violence. She told the police that Austin has shot her on the ground getting her some injuries on her right hand. This happened in 2004. After all the accusations he again got married to Kristin in 2009.


While Austin was in the wrestling field he earned many titles and many awards as well. He won the WCW World Television Championship twice. He also holds the winner position for the WCW United States Heavyweight Championship twice. He also has his awards for the WCW World Tag Team Championship as well as the NWA World Tag Team Championship. He also has his WWE  titles under which there are the WWF Championship which he won a total of six times. He also holds the first position in the WWF Intercontinental Championship a total of two times. He is the first position holder of the World Tag Team Championship and the Million Dollar Championship. He was also known as the King of the Ring. With this, the list of his awards from his wrestling career is never-ending. We can find him in the WWE Hall of Fame. It was added to that list in 2009. Freedom of Speech earned him the Slammy Awards which was in 1997. He also won the Best Original WWE Net show   Find Out:- Preview- Straight up Steve Austin Season 2 Episode 8 

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