The Wind had gained some good approval ratings as viewers dubbed the film as Imperfect yet intriguing. The film offers an interesting story as well as a fresh perspective to horror fans. The story does not just move chronologically but keeps going back and forth in time as it has us keep guessing over the events while also giving us an idea of what to expect. This gives the viewers something to look out for, having them concentrate on particular characters or moments. But this was even criticized for having to be too much use of the flashback for a horror film that generally works on the elements of surprise. Prior to the release, the film company had even commissioned a game for the promotion of the film. While it was received positively, it was criticized for its short length.

What Happened in The Wind?

The story begins with a married couple of Lizzy Macklin and Isaac as they had arrived at an unpopulated area of New Mexico all the way from St. Louis. Here they begin their own settlement and live alone until another couple arrives. Emma and Gideon Harper arrive all the way from Illinois as they end up living in the abandoned cabin nearby. We then witness events from the future and the past where we see Emma being buried with her stillborn baby. While only moments later, we see Lizzy befriending a young Emma. In this friendship, even Lizzy chooses to confide in Emma telling her, how her son Samuel had died stillborn. And during her pregnancy, she had also gone through moments of paranoia whenever her husband wouldn’t be around during the night. Slowly, we can see how Emma starts depending too much on Lizzy and Isaac. At these times, Emma would even ask the whereabouts of Lizzy’s shotgun. But one night, Gideon visits Lizzy and Isaac’s home to inform how Emma seems to be unwell. On visiting their home, Lizzy sees Emma hiding under the bed as she fears an invisible entity that is coming to get her unborn baby. Lizzy finally has to calm Emma down by using chloroform, but this wasn’t the end of it. Later, Emma keeps talking about her fears of this unnatural presence, but Lizzy chooses to ignore it. Nevertheless, Emma planned on naming her child after either Lizzy or Isaac.

Lizzy and the Supernatural Events

As time passes and we get closer to the end of Emma’s pregnancy, apparently Emma shoots herself with Lizzy’s gun to her head. But as there was still the chance to save her baby, Lizzy attempts a cesarean surgery, but this attempt is unsuccessful. So here we see the scene from earlier merge as Emma, and her baby are buried together. Soon after, Gideon and Isaac leave to get some supplies and report the deaths. This has Lizzy staying alone in the area as her paranoia strikes again. Throughout this time, she encounters various supernatural events starting with the attack of wolves on her. During this, she even accidentally shoots and kills her goat. Goats are usually used as symbolism in relation to demons. She even happens to witness poltergeists as she goes to investigate the Harper’s cabin due to light emanating here. The next morning, Lizzy awakens to find Emma’s notebook. Through that, Lizzy finds out how Emma had been pregnant with Isaac’s baby. After she burns it, Lizzy deals with her paranoia by choosing to render herself unconscious by using chloroform. After some time passes, Lizzy meets a reverend whom she provides lodging to at the Harper’s place. But that night, the reverend knocks at Lizzy’s door as he claimed to have encountered some supernatural entity at the place. But as she opens the door for him, Lizzy realizes that the reverend himself was the manifestation of the entity. So, Lizzy hides in Harper’s cabin only to find the reverend’s dead body the next morning. Moments later, Lizzy goes to her son Samuel’s grave, where she planned to shoot herself with the shotgun. But at that moment, Isaac comes back as he claims to have met the reverend on the way.

What Happens in The Wind Ending?

At the ending of The Wind, Gideon returns back to the cabin as he packs his belongings. But there, he leaves behind a trunk filled with Emma’s books. In this, there was a tract detailing various “demons of the prairie. While Isaac chooses not to deal with it, Lizzy does as she is thrown away by an invisible force impaling herself with scissors to her rib cage. Later as Lizzy wakes up, she finds herself to be tied to her bed as Isaac sits across from her. He had found Emma’s journal that has made him realize how it was actually Lizzy who killed Emma out of jealousy. Lizzy manages to get herself free as she decides to stab Isaac in the neck with a piece of glass, thus killing him. The next day, she stumbles outside her home as she collapses on the ground reminiscing about her past. Also Read: Four Good Days Ending Explained: What Happened With Molly?

The Wind Ending Explained: Does Lizzy Die?

By the ending of The Wind, Lizzy has been through a lot as she encountered a series of supernatural events. She has struggled to get a hold of her paranoia, but it only gets worse as she is thrown onto a kitchen table by an invisible force. Then again, she also had the encounter with the reverend. According to what Lizzy had witnessed, the reverend was in fact, possessed by the entity, but later he was found dead in front of her house. But later, as her husband Isaac returns home, he claims how he had conversed with the reverend on the way. This makes us doubt how much of the events on screen are true and how much falls under Lizzy’s possible hallucinations. Lizzy’s paranoia only takes a turn for the worse when she found a small booklet among them titled ‘Demons of the Prairie’. Later we even come to the realization of how it was Lizzy herself who shot Emma on her head. She did it out of jealousy, but we can’t say how much of this was influenced by the supernatural entity. In the end, Lizzy even resorts to killing her husband with a piece of glass. We have seen how Lizzy deals with the problems she faces, but slowly she seems to have reached a point where she was willing to commit suicide. The last we see Lizzy is her collapsing on the ground outside her home. While she hadn’t died, the wound from the scissors piercing her is deep. Considering how they live in an isolated place, she might receive no help and slowly die. Also Read: Collateral Beauty Ending Explained: The Real Purpose Of The Actors Revealed

Why did Lizzy kill Emma and Isaac?

The reason why Lizzy killed Emma might fall back to her increasing dislike for her. Emma was becoming overly dependent on her and Isaac. Moreover, learning how Emma has had sexual relations with her husband, she may have committed the crime out of jealousy. In the case of Isaac, it was shown to us how Lizzy was becoming overly paranoid due to her interactions with the entity. In the end, Lizzy saw darkness looing behind Isaac as his eyes turned black. Driven by her innate fear for the entity, Lizzy proceeded to stab Isaac in the neck. Even if this wasn’t the case, the affair his husband was having was more than enough reason to fuel her anger into homicide. By the time we reach the ending of The Wind, Lizzy had took a turn for worse. Also Read: A Quiet Place Part II Ending Explained: Is There Hope For Humanity?

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