Madison has also complained about people asking her about her love life, and no one asks about what she did to qualify for the Olympics or why wasn’t she able to win it. She said people think a girl is only subjected to her man and can’t be more than. Why is it so?

Madison Keys Who Was Private About Her Life Finally Opened But About Her Dating Life

So finally, the tennis player revealed the relationship details of her life by announcing it through an Instagram post in 2017. Madison Keys is dating Bjorn Fratangelo, a fellow American player. She posted a picture with him on her official Instagram account and wrote, “Santa delivered this year” with a heart. She said in one of her interviews that everyone was so eager to know who Madison dating is? Well, Bjorn Fratangelo is her blessing in disguise. They both met each other at a Tennis summit. She said he was the only one in the summit who didn’t walk up to her with two drinks in his hand. She said he came very nicely to her and introduced himself to her. Madison said obviously she knew who he is but still, he was modest enough to introduce himself to her. And he very politely said that he wants to tell me something if she doesn’t mind. She said yes and thought, here we go again. But Bjorn surprised her by discussing her lost game and her defense style.

Two Players In Love…We Can Call It “The Tennis Lovestory”

She said he pointed out some flaws in my playing style, and in her head, she was going marry me, marry me, marry me. Madison added to her statement by saying that as they were calling it a day, Bjorn told her that she is an amazing player and will defiantly achieve her dream win. She said she knows that she is an amazing player but seeking that kind of validation made her feel alive again. She said he didn’t compliment her looks but had the audacity to walk down to her talk to her about her playing flaws. The tennis player said she was not sure about love, but she was defiantly impressed by Bjorn. We see another couple in public places sharing intimate moments with each other but in Madison and Bjorn’s case. They are seen together practicing with each other. Helping each other improve their game. Madison even visits Bjorn’s practice games to observe her leg work and to observe what part of his game he has to work on. The couple is the most adorable as they help each other to grow rather than intoxicating each other.

Is Madison Keys Married?

Madison Keys was seen with a diamond on her figure but unfortunately no she hasn’t walked down the aisle yet. But he wants to be Bjorn’s bride someday. But for now, they have a passion to follow and a career to make. They both have recently started a Non-Governmental Organisation in 2020 named Kindness Wins. They provide a platform to the people who have served others and lifted the spirit of kindness. Madison is trying to make the world a better place. Also Read: Is The Tennis Star Venus Williams Dating Someone Right Now?

Who Is Madison Keys Dating  How Long Have They Been Together  - 6Who Is Madison Keys Dating  How Long Have They Been Together  - 62